Sleep Apnea VA Rating: Inclusive Guide!

by Maha
Sleep Apnea VA Rating

Sleep Apnea VA Rating: Common and major sleep disorders like sleep apnoea can seriously compromise your quality of life. Veteran navigation of the complexity of sleep apnoea and the VA rating system can be difficult. This page seeks to give a clear definition of sleep apnoea, how VA disability payments are assessed, and some direction on what to expect all through the process.

Describe Sleep Apnoea?

A disorder known as sleep apnoea causes regular pauses and starts in breathing during sleep. It can cause several health problems and frequently results in poor quality of sleep. Two essentially different forms of sleep apnoea are:

The most often occurring kind is obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), which results from too relaxed throat muscles blocking the airway.
CPS, or central sleep apnoea: This kind of occurs when the brain misses sending the correct signals to the muscles regulating respiration.

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Aspects of Sleep Apnoea

Typical manifestations of sleep apnoea consist in:

  • Strong snoring
  • Too much daytime tiredness
  • Constant slumber
  • Regular night waking
  • Morning migraines
  • Trouble concentrating
  • You should get medical examination if you believe you have sleep apnoea. Usually, diagnosis calls for a sleep study—either at home or in a sleep clinic.

VA Disability ratings and sleep apnoea

For veterans with sleep apnoea, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers disability payments; yet, getting a rating might prove difficult. It follows this:

VA Rating System for Apnoea of Sleep

The VA assigns a rating system to ascertain degree of handicap and related benefits. Usually assigned under the Diagnostic Code 6847, which defines sleep apnoea symptoms, sleep apnoea is scored.

0% Rating: Should sleep apnoea be detected, it may be graded as 0% if it does not call for a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine or any major treatment. This rating indicates the accepted ailment but has little effect on your daily life.

Generally speaking, you are rated at 30% if you need a CPAP machine to control your sleep apnoea. Many people with sleep apnoea depend critically on the CPAP machine to keep their airway open during sleep.

A 50% rating is assigned if sleep apnoea compromises your capacity to work or function and results in too much daytime tiredness. This level denotes that your situation affects your daily life noticeably and is more serious.

Severe situations where sleep apnoea causes persistent respiratory failure or calls for a tracheostomy—surgical development of a hole in the trachea—are reserved for 100% grading. This rating shows how seriously your illness affects your general quality of life and general health.

Claiming VA Disability Benefits for Sleep Apnoea

Apply for VA disability payments for sleep apnoea using these guidelines:

  • Get papers from your doctor confirming your sleep apnoea diagnosis and noting the degree of the disorder. This covers any other pertinent medical report as well as the findings of sleep studies.
  • File a claim either by mail or using the VA’s eBenefits portal. Send all required paperwork including your medical documents, service records, and thorough account of how sleep apnoea interferes with your life.
  • You can be called upon to show up for a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam. This test aids in the VA’s assessment of your condition’s degree and influence on your everyday life.
  • Wait for a Decision: Based on the data the VA reviews of your claim, they will decide what to do. This can take several months.

Advice for a Successful VA Assertion

Make sure every medical record is comprehensive and accurate. The VA can better determine the degree of your condition the more information you supply.

Ask for help from a claims representative specialised in VA benefits or a Veterans Service Officer (VSO). They can assist you to compile the required records and walk you through the process.

Maintaining copies of any records sent to the VA and any correspondence pertaining to your claim is advised. Should problems or delays arise, this can be beneficial.


Managing sleep apnoea can be difficult, and for veterans negotiating the VA grading system adds still another level of difficulty. The outcome of your claim will be much enhanced by knowing the rating of sleep apnoea and the required documentation. Your chances of obtaining the correct VA disability compensation will increase if you compile comprehensive medical records and look for the suitable help.

1. What VA rating best fits sleep apnoea?

Depending on the degree of the problem and the necessary therapy, the VA rating for sleep apnoea falls from 0% to 100%.

2. How one might file for VA disability payments for sleep apnoea?

Get medical documentation, file a claim via mail or the VA’s eBenefits portal, show up for a VA exam if necessary, and wait for a decision.

3. On a sleep apnoea claim, how long does one have to wait for decisions?

The length of the process will vary depending on the intricacy of your case and VA present workload. Several months are possible.

4. Could I contest a VA rating for sleep apnoea?

Indeed, should you object to the rating judgement, you are able to appeal.. Should you feel the rating does not fairly represent the degree of your condition, the VA offers a procedure for appealing decisions.

5. Should my VA claim for sleep apnoea include anything?

Add thorough medical records, sleep study findings, and a statement of how sleep apnoea interferes with your everyday life and capacity to work.

6. Does my VA claim for sleep apnoea call for a lawyer?

Although not necessary, dealing with a Veterans Service Officer (VSO) or claims representative can help as they have knowledge negotiating the VA claims system.

7. If I use a CPAP machine, how would one classify sleep apnoea?

Your problem is normally managed with this treatment even if you need a CPAP machine; nevertheless, it still influences your daily life since your rating is usually 30%.

8. In what ways does obstructive and central sleep apnoea differ?

A physical blockage of the airway causes obstructive sleep apnoea; central sleep apnoea results from a brain failing to provide the breathing muscles the right instructions.

9. Could military duty lead to sleep apnoea?

Should you feel that your military service contributes to your sleep apnoea, you must offer proof connecting your condition to your service. This can include coming into contact with factors or stresses that aggravated your sleep apnoea.

Although navigating VA disability ratings with sleep apnoea can be taxing, knowing the procedure and what to expect will help you to find it more doable. Recall that you are not by yourself and that tools abound to guide you on this road.

10. How can I find out whether VA disability benefits for sleep apnoea apply to me?

You qualify if you have a proven diagnosis of sleep apnoea and can present medical records demonstrating how it affects your general health and daily life.

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